Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sorry Isn't Always the Hardest Word

Every individual is different in their own way. Whether it’s the way they talk, dress, behave or express themselves. I’m rather sure that many of us are familiar and probably able to relate to Elton John’s “Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word”.

Well, clearly not for Mr. Anonymous. With a strikingly loud colour that could possibly blind us by the busy streets of Bandar Menjalara, I’d say it was a wise choice if he was trying to make passerbys experience a slight, if not all, hint of his pain.

Love trouble. That’s my guess, not necessarily romantic but still love of some sort. I’m not saying that I’m right, but judging by the fact that the ‘O’ in ‘Sorry’ is shaped like a heart, it’s the best assumption to go by for now.

I have to admit though, I truly admire his guts. Although the act maybe anonymous, I’m sure that it still did take a lot of courage to pull off something like this. The words are simple but so out there, literally, it’s practically impossible to miss. Let’s face it; he’s surely got our attention! I’m not saying that it wasn’t a little crazy, but to me, it gravitated more towards being creative and sweet if not desperate.

I haven’t got the slightest clue on who the mastermind is behind this or how badly he screwed up. I don’t even know for sure if it’s a male, I wouldn’t at all be surprised if it was a female. Love does make us do crazy things after all. There is a lesson behind this actually: We all mess up, some worse than others but apologizing is the very first step to fixing things. It doesn’t have to be as outstanding as this banner, but keeping it simple and sincere should hopefully do the trick. As for the person behind this banner, I believe I speak for all when I say, “Good Luck!”

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